Tag Archives: disasters
Cutting Corners
I am on the road a lot. Between seeing clients and driving my kids around I get around the Houston area. Sometimes the things I see just baffle me. People that are trying to save time or they are running late do … Continue reading
6 Million estimated to pay Obamacare Tax
Yesterday the CBO said that nearly 6 million people, most of whom are middle class, will face a tax penalty under the Affordable Care Act for not getting health insurance. The AP (9/20, Alonso-Zaldivar) reports that the new CBO numbers are … Continue reading
Hurricane outlook
an email from one of my insurance company reps stated: NOAA Hurricane Forecast: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued its forecast for the 2012 Atlantic Hurricane Season. NOAA is forecasting 9-15 named storms, 4-8 hurricanes and 1-3 … Continue reading
House approves renewing Flood Insurance Program
The House of Representative has approved a bill to reauthorize the federal flood insurance program (NFIP) for another 5 years taking it into 2016. It will go before Obama in September for his signature. It changes a few things to … Continue reading
National Hurricane Awareness Week: May 22-28th
National Hurricane Awareness Week: May 22-28th Let me preface this by saying I am not all doom and gloom, but we do deal with and hear about accidents, injuries, fires, flooding, etc on a regular basis. So I feel that … Continue reading