Category Archives: Health Reform News
Aetna To Withdraw From 11 ACA Exchanges In 2017.
from the NAHU Newswire: Citing huge financial losses, the Wall Street Journal (8/15, Mathews, Subscription Publication) reports Aetna announced on Monday that it will pull back from 11 of the 15 states where it currently offers individual insurance on the … Continue reading
Small Group Definition Will Not Change Nationally in 2016
This is from an email I received over the weekend from Cigna. Small Group Definition Will Not Change Nationally in 2016 – States will have flexibility. On October 1, Congress approved a bill repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provision … Continue reading
Obamacare updates
Numbers from articles and reports I have read this week: 16% are uninsured. Current US population is around 310 million Just a thought: if you cover kids up to age 26 on their parents plan you are not going to … Continue reading
ACA Catastrophic Options
Every morning I receive an email with the latest news in health insurance. One of the articles from the NAHU (National Association of Health Underwriters) Newswire is below. We have had a few people come into our office this week … Continue reading
Myths of the affordable care act AKA obamacare
1) “I have to purchase coverage through the exchange (aka marketplace)” I have heard it everywhere that people think they have to purchase coverage through the exchange aka the marketplace. No one has to purchase insurance on this website. If … Continue reading
Small Business Tax Credits for Health Insurance
If you need help with your company’s health insurance give us a call. You may qualify for employer health care tax credits if you have fewer than 25 full-time equivalent employees making an average of about $50,000 a year or … Continue reading
Battle Within GOP Heats Up Over Plan To Defund ACA
Battle Within GOP Heats Up Over Plan To Defund ACA. Battle lines over Affordable Care Act strategy became clearer Wednesday between factions of the Republican party: those willing to threaten a government shutdown to defund the law and those who … Continue reading
Health Care Reform Notices
The Department of Labor (DOL) has released 3 model notices as a result of changes under Health Care Reform: Exchange Model Notice for Employers Who Offer a Health Plan to Some or All Employees (must be distributed to current employees … Continue reading
Healthcare early renewal options
Effective January 1, 2014 the healthcare landscape will dramatically change due to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (health care reform). All plans renewing in 2014 will be required to offer benefits that meet the new ACA mandates which … Continue reading
Obamacare Taxes
Here is some more good news about obamacare. ( – In new, final regulations issued Wednesday, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) said that parents must pay a federal fine under Obamacare if their children or dependent spouses are uninsured for … Continue reading