Harvey Claims

The anniversary of the date Hurricane Harvey made landfall on the Texas coast is quickly approaching on August 25, 2018. Texas law requires TWIA policyholders to report claims for windstorm damage within one year of the date the property was damaged.

We are asking for your assistance to share this important information with your clients and fellow agents about TWIA claim deadlines, so we can ensure all TWIA policyholders have submitted their claim for windstorm damage by the applicable one-year deadline from when Hurricane Harvey caused damage to their property.

If a TWIA policyholder already has a claim with TWIA for damage resulting from Hurricane Harvey, they do not need to report a new claim. Policyholders may simply provide TWIA with information about the damage that has not been addressed as part of their existing Harvey claim. This can be done by:

  • Contacting their current claims examiner, or
  • Reporting the information along with their claim number to TWIA’s claim-reporting service (800-788-8247) or to claims@twia.org.

TWIA policyholders who have never submitted a Harvey claim and need to report a new claim, may also do so by calling TWIA immediately at 800-788-8247. Additional information about the TWIA claims process is also available on our website at www.twia.org/claimscenter.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Agent Services team at 800-788-8247 or agentservices@twia.org.


Texas Windstorm Insurance Association

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